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XVision Desktop on Windows NT 3.51
Playing around with XVision Desktop.

Visionware XVision's VT320 emulator
I was wrong, and I'm glad I was wrong.

The cracking of XVision
Solving my own problems.

Testing terminals with KornShell.
A simple script to test terminals.

SCO XVision Eclipse on Windows 95
Playing around with XVision.

ProComm Plus is pretty damn sweet
Well, I wish I knew about this a long time ago.

Joining Windows 3.11 to Active Directory
I joined my Windows for Workgroup 3.11 VM to my Windows 2000 domain.

Visionware XVision on Windows 3.11
Fun with Visionware XVision 5.6.

All opinions given in any of the above are mine and mine alone. They are not necessarily the same as that of my employer, my friends, my enemies, or my imaginary pet dog and her employer, friends, enemies, or pet cat.

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